

I finally decided to start this blog, against my will. By experience, I know that when you don’t want to do something, it is best to do it.  The things that costs you the most, are the ones that will bring you the most happiness. Also, my friend Ginny, convinced me by stating that she uses her blog to keep a journal of her life. Since I am bipolar, this was it for me. I don’t remember most of my life due to this illness.  It was only two years ago, when I was diagnosed, that I discovered that this is not normal.

My kids are an example of this against my will proposition.  I went to a Catholic school, but ended up being a non-practicioner.  I was going to be a career woman who was never going to get married, less have kids.  Well, I was the first one from my group of friends to get married.  I was only twenty years old. After almost 15 years of being married and 8 kids, two are in heaven, I can finally say that I am truly happy.