Angels Around Us

Do you see the dove?

A few weeks ago, I went to my church to get Holy Water.  As expected, the Church’s 5 gallon Holy water’s container was empty.  I even opened it to check and not a single drop was left.  Suddenly, I notice a sweet old lady that was changing the bulletin boards.  She noticed my frustration and said: ” I can’t believe that a Catholic Church is out of Holy Water.” She smiled and told me, “follow me.”  We went inside the church and she emptied the little container where you bless yourself when you get into a church.  To my amazement, the little bit of water filled half of a big bottle.

Then, as I sat down at church to give thanks to God, I saw a lady walking around the church very fast looking for a candle to lit.  She reminded me of our kids speech-language pathologist.  My husband and I  have been trying to contact her for a long time, so she can offer therapy to one of our daughters. As she was walking towards me, she smiled and we recognized each other. I waited for her outside and talked for a long period of time. Well, now she knows what we need.

Everybody experiences these “helps” every now and then.  Next time you need help finding your keys, a parking space or any little thing, ask for help.  Angels are all around us.